Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on The Awakening - 733 Words

Criticism of The Awakening Reading through all of the different criticism of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening has brought about ideas and revelations that I had never considered during my initial reading of the novel. When I first read the text, I viewed it as a great work of art to be revered. However, as I read through all of the passages, I began to examine Chopin’s work more critically and to see the weaknesses and strengths of her novel. Reading through others interpretations of her novel has also brought forth new concepts to look at again. In An American Madame Bovary, Cyrille Arnavon argues that â€Å"there seems to be insufficient justification for Edna’s ‘romantic’ suicide, and this is the main weakness of this fine†¦show more content†¦However, in her suicide, Edna is giving herself to her children, to Robert, to everyone but herself. Another interesting aspect of the novel is irony, which seems to play a significant role throughout the story. Although we read about Edna’s awakening, she seems to be sleeping during most of it. As George Arms notes, â€Å"When she first openly seeks out Robert and takes him--again amusingly--to Sunday morning mass, she is drowsy at the service . . .† (200). Edna sleeps the day away at a nearby house. Then, as Arms also points out, Edna is awakened â€Å"to an erotic life not through Robert, whom she truly loves, but through Alcee, whom she uses merely as a convenience (200). But when Robert returns, she informs him that he had been the one to awaken her. So who was it really? Then there is the irony found in the use of her children, whom she â€Å"has little intimacy, and her husband accuses her of neglecting them.† (201). Yet she would die for her children according to her own words. Edna’s great desire to be with Robert and have her dreams fulfilled are a possibility when Robert comes to her. She tells him â€Å"nothing else in the world is of any consequence† (238). Yet she leaves him to be with Adele. As Cynthia Griffin Wolff explains, â€Å"To have stayed with Robert would have meant consummation, finally, the joining of her dreamlike passion to a flesh and blood lover; to leave was to risk that opportunity† (239). Was it that Edna was afraid to stay andShow MoreRelatedAwakenings Essay1018 Words   |  5 Pagesbeginning to end the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams demonstrates his knowledge of the scientific method. The scientific method is a procedure of steps that is used to prove something. In the movie it is used to show that patients suffering from an un-named disorder do have a slight opportunity to return to their normal state of being. The scientific method is a list of steps to prove something and make into a law or theory based on your final product andThe Awakening findings. It is composedRead MoreEssay on The Awakening751 Words   |  4 Pages The Awakening Analytical Essay THE AWAKENING Throughout Kate Chopin’s, The Awakening, numerous scenes of birth and renewal are depicted. Various symbols placed throughout the book show Edna Pontellier’s awakenings. For instance, many references are made to oceans and water. It is in the water that Edna has her first rebirth, but it is also the place where she chooses to die. Water symbolizes life, which is the reason that Edna’s renewal takes place there, but it also symbolizes darkness andRead More The Awakening Essay1036 Words   |  5 Pages The Awakening opens in the late 1800s in Grand Isle, a summer holiday resort popular with the wealthy inhabitants of nearby New Orleans. Edna Pontellier is vacationing with her husband, Là ©once, and their two sons at the cottages of Madame Lebrun, which house affluent Creoles from the French Quarter. Là ©once is kind and loving but preoccupied with his work. His frequent business-related absences mar his domestic life with Edna. Con sequently, Edna spends most of her time with her friend Adà ¨le RatignolleRead MoreEssay on The Awakening1358 Words   |  6 Pageswomen throughout America would be drastically different and would withhold fewer rights if it were not for women in the nineteenth and twentieth century like the characters Madame Ratignolle, Edna Pontellier, and Mademoiselle Reisz in the novel The Awakening, by Kate Chopin. They shaped America into a place where freedom and equality for women is possible. Although the three women were different, they all contributed to different aspects of the feminist movement. Each character represents a distinctRead More The Awakening Essay1609 Words   |  7 Pages Edna Pontellier Throughout The Awakening, a novel by Kate Chopin, the main character, Edna Pontellier showed signs of a growing depression. There are certain events that hasten this, events which eventually lead her to suicide. At the beginning of the novel when Ednas husband, Leonce Pontellier, returns from Kleins hotel, he checks in on the children and believing that one of them has a fever he tells his wife, Edna. She says that the child was fine when he went to bed, but Mr. PontellierRead More Essay on The Awakening712 Words   |  3 PagesCritical Views of The Awakening      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, is full of ideas and understanding about human nature. In Chopins time, writing a story with such great attention to sensual details in both men and women caused skepticism among readers and critics. However, many critics have different views with deeper thought given to The Awakening. Symbolism, the interpretation of Ednas suicide, and awakenings play important roles in the analysis of all critics.    SymbolismRead More The Awakening Essays982 Words   |  4 Pages The Awakening is a novel about the growth of a woman into her own person, in spite of the mold society has formed for her. The book follows Edna Pontellier through about a year of her life. During this time we see her struggle to find who she really is, because she knows she cannot be happy filling the role of the mother-woman that society has created for her. She did not believe that she could break from this pattern because of the pressures of society, and ends up taking her own life. ShouldRead MoreThe Awakening Essay728 Words   |  3 PagesThe novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin takes place in the early 1920s on the Grand Isles of Louisiana. The Grand Isles is a resort for the wealthy. The theme of this novel is about a woman named Edna who awakens to a new life as she discovers her independence. In the novel Edna also awakens to her love for Robert Leburn and most importantly she awakens to the knowledge that her husband is not in control of her life. Edna and Mr. Pontelliers relationship begins to get worse after he leaves forRead MoreEssay The Awakening640 Words   |  3 Pages The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, tells one woman’s story of her attempt to awaken to her true wants and desires for her life. When Edna Pontellier spends the summer on Grand Isle, she begins to think beyond the role of wife and mother that she has played so far. She begins to think of herself as a separate person with independent thoughts and feelings. Her transformation is difficult and she has great trouble deciding what she really wants in life. Edna attempts to discard all of the traditional valuesRead More The Awakening Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pagesthe fact that an author is able to convey his/her message clearer and include things in the book that cannot be exhibited in a movie. For this reason, the reader of the book is much more effected than the viewer of the film. In the novella, The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, there is much more evidence of symbolism as well as deeper meaning than in the movie version of the book, Grand Isle. Chopin conveys her symbolic messages through the main character’s newly acquired ability to swim, through the birds

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on The Power of Education Mary Wollstonecraft

The power of education: Mary Wollstonecraft Mary Wollstonecraft believed that there was more that women could do to improve the way they were view’d by society. The work that was produced by Wollstonecraft improved immensely the roles of women. The roles of women in the 18th century were very limited, women had no voice, â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women† was the reason for the change in social roles. The fact that Wollstonecraft was able to have such an impact on all these women, and express that they truly played an important role on society during this time was something no one had done before. In â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women† Wollstonecraft expresses that it is not fair that women are always being judged by men, and she†¦show more content†¦If there was possibly a role model, a strong woman who stood up for what she believed during this time than maybe it would have been an encouragement for others to follow. Wollstonecraft arg ues that women have been view’d as weak humans, with an education they would have a new image of what they could accomplish. One of the reasons why there was no support for women to expand and do something on their own was because the control over them would be lost. If women were kept in the dark by their husbands then they would have nothing to turn on their husbands for. Wollstonecraft’s quote of strength very much defines the biggest concern of a husband during the 18th century, â€Å" Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to bling obedience..† page 314. The role of a woman was to look pretty, be a wife and take care of her family, and was like a slave to her husband, but there were also those women who got away with being the mistress. If females had any sort of power they would have definitely never stood next to their husband after and infidelity. There for everything Andrade 3 worked out very well for the men who were doing many things they knew they were not supposed to. The attitude that women represented themselves with could have potentially been another reason why they were not given the right toShow MoreRelatedThe Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1369 Words   |  6 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft, a Futuristic Feminist This research project addresses the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, The Vindication of the Rights of Women. To investigate this, I will first summarize her work and someone else s interpretation of it, then analyze the author, voice, message and significance, and finally analyze the two works to answer the question, What are the current ideas about your philosopher? How have their ideas influenced us today?. My first souce will be the primary source ofRead MoreFeminism : Mary Wollstonecraft1734 Words   |  7 Pagespresident and more and more women in positions of power. However, feminism has changed and evolved since the first writers expressed their wish for more women’s rights, as do all movements. â€Å"It is time to †¦ restore to them their lost dignity—and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world,† wrote Mary Wollstonecraft in her Vindication in the Rights of Women (Wollstonecraft 49). Mary Wollstonecr aft, the mother of the feminist movement wanted womenRead MoreEssay Mary Wollstonepost as Mist Valuable Thinker526 Words   |  3 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft as Most Valuable Thinker Mary Wollstonecraft was known as the â€Å"first feminist† and was a leader to many women during a time where woman’s rights were not important to many people. She lead woman through treacherous times filled with sexism and misogyny. During the enlightenment period, people came up with new ideas no one had thought of before and Mary was one of these people. Wollstonecraft thought women were just as important as men were and thought that women and men shouldRead MoreEssay on The Vindication of Rights of Women1373 Words   |  6 PagesIn Mary Wollstonecraft’s essay â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women† she constantly compares men and women. Her comparisons range from their physical nature to their intelligence, and even down to the education that each sex receives. Wollstonecraft states, â€Å"In the government of the physical world it is observable that the female in point of strength is, in general, inferior to the male.†(line 1.35-37) to show that women are inferior to men in physicality, and a number of areasRead MoreHow Do the Ideas Espoused by Mary Wollstonecraft and Other Feminist Writers of Her Time Relate to Women Today?1302 Words   |  6 PagesHow do the ideas espoused by Mary Wollstonecraft and other feminist writers of her time relate to women today? In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft presented and developed ideas that were groundbreaking and new for her time. She believed the only way women could view their social roles objectively and differently was through education. Her ideas were â€Å"unambiguously feminist, although by modern standards, they may seem outdated† (â€Å"History of feminism†). But I believeRead MoreWomen And Material Things : The Vindication Of The Rights Of Women997 Words   |  4 PagesJu(Daniel) Kwon HIST15-Professor Eacott Section28- Andrew Frantz Assignment 2 December 6, 2014 Women and Material things The Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft is a compelling arguement that argues for equality for women in society. The Weaver’s Complaint Against the Callico Madams explains outcome of women’s with equal rights would do to society. Sanshiro written by Natsume Soski, focuses the details and experience of his life spent at a prestigious Tokyo University. ThreeRead MoreMary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman1090 Words   |  5 PagesFleeton Travis Turner World Lit 208 September 24, 2015 Mary Wollstonecraft Along came passionate, bold Mary Wollstonecraft who caused a sensation by writing A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (FEE). Wollstonecraft is known for her astonishing tone and serving the basis for equal rights on the behalf of women. Through writing she formed an active power of speech with the mindset of knowing she would succeed in this fight of equality. Mary was not only a woman s rights activist, but emphasizedRead MoreOf The Pernicious Effects By Mary Shelley1290 Words   |  6 PagesThe novel â€Å"Frankenstein† by Mary Shelley, and the article â€Å"Of the Pernicious Effects† by Mary Wollstonecraft, both have relations when regarding the importance of feminism during their time periods. Throughout Shelley’s novel feminism is addressed because she uses female characters to further her plot and display her viewpoints. If Wollstonecraft evaluated the female characters in Shelley’s novel, she would realize that Elizabeth, Justine, and Safie all sh ow an importance to the flow of the novelRead MoreImpact Of The Enlightenment On The Enlightenment1056 Words   |  5 Pagesgoverned in the society. Or Mary Wollstonecraft who detested that women are not weaker than men, women were intellectuals, and that slaves and women were oppressed so she believed that they should be equals. For instance, Mary Wollstonecraft believed that women were not weaker than men. Mary left her home at nineteen to earn her keep in the world. Mary wrote in the introduction of one of her books, â€Å"I am about to display the mind of a woman, who has thinking powers.† Mary really believed that womenRead MoreThe Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft743 Words   |  3 Pagesfrom conventional Mary Wollstonecraft called for more equality between the sexes; she ignited the flame that would turn into the feminist movement we know today. Wollstonecraft was a key founder of feminist philosophy. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on their beauty. â€Å"A committed women’s liberationist cannot retire from the job, only die at it.† (Dann, 1985) Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectly

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ansoff Matrix 3 Essay Example For Students

Ansoff Matrix 3 Essay The Ansoff Matrix Providing strategic options is a role of the marketing plan, but how does the marketing team come up with bright ideas? Fortunately there is a simple tool that can help – the Ansoff Matrix. Developed in 1957 it still holds true today – a 2 x 2 matrix that guides planners in coming up with options. Basically, it gives you four options dependent on two variables – developing new products or entering new markets. New product development and entering new markets involve expense and therefore risk. They also produce risk to your brand – if an undertakers’ firm were to branch out into whoopee cushions their credibility as an undertaker would be scarred! Therefore, the further down or right on the grid you go, the higher the risk. When is a product entirely new or when is it just an amendment? That is subjective, so judgement must be used – a car manufacturer producing a new model probably doesn’t count as â€Å"new† but if that same company were to launch a mission to Mars it may well do†¦ There is no guarantee of success for any plan, as highlighted below: Market Penetration You stay with the same product and keep selling it to the same people. So how do you grow? The answer comes from adjusting the marketing mix – maybe promoting yourself better, making the product better or lowering the price. It is the least risky option, but consequently is likely to reap the least reward. A good example of market penetration is Fuller’s London Pride – once a regional ale in the South East but now the best selling cask ale in the UK (CAMRA). They have done this by relying on a high quality product but increasing promotional activity – particularly advertising connected with sports events. On the other side is Rover – they kept selling similar cars to the same market but just lost touch. The product was well-overtaken and badly promoted, and the results are there for all to see. The moral of the story? Even if you do nothing, make sure you do something! Product Development If you have a well-respected brand with your customers, it may be possible to sell them other things. This is probably the most common option to head in as companies can use the good will they have in the market to generate credibility. As long as the new product in question isn’t too left-field, customers will like it. Mont Blanc built up a reputation over a hundred years for producing the finest quality pens. For many people a Mont Blanc is the pen to have. The trouble is, once you have a fountain pen, ballpoint and a pencil, that is it. Mont Blanc’s quality means you may have the same pen for life, so you will never buy anything from them again. As a result, Mont Blanc decided to start selling you other things: cuff links, wallets, notebooks and so on. The same high quality prestige brand transferred to other products with great success. Possibly the world’s best-known brand got it seriously wrong when they launched a new product . Coca Cola’s premium bottled water, Dasani, was launched their existing UK consumer market, but unfortunately they got it very wrong. Dasani was little more than bottled tap water and the fall-out hit Coca Cola hard. It wasn’t Coke’s first time though after the New Coca Cola debacle nearly ruined them. If you are going to launch a new product, make sure that it reflects your brand and won’t damage what you already have. Market Development Selling the same product to a new market is a tricky proposition, but a number of companies have done it very well. .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .postImageUrl , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:hover , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:visited , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:active { border:0!important; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:active , .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44aa7bda35fded18498f55f1edde0ecf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Charles E. Yeager EssayGuinness, Lucozade and Skoda have all managed to salvage weak brands by launching them into a new market. However the most successful repositioning was Sony PlayStation – a repositioning that was pre-planned, not firefighting. Sony had planned to sell PlayStations to children then, once the product life cycle had reached maturity, relaunch in the adult market – enter Lara Croft. Failed repositionings litter the history of marketing but, for me, the most interesting is that of cricket. Some marketing chaps went to America, saw baseball and thought â€Å"Wow! That will make cricket trendy! Cricket clubs suddenly had silly names like Scor pions (what on Earth have scorpions got to do with Derbyshire anyway) and music was blasted out every time a run was scored. The youth market was not impressed. It was only when the core product was improved that cricket’s popularity returned – thanks be to Freddy Flintoff and co. Diversification So, you know nothing about the market you are selling to or about the product you are launching. Sounds like a recipe for disaster†¦ The risks of diversification are potentially grave, but the rewards can be enormous. Caterpillar used to make yellow diggers and bulldozers and sold them to construction companies. Now they sell boots to young adult consumers. Apple used to sell computers to graphic designers. Now they adorn the belt of just about every 16-24 year old in the country with the iPod. The reward has been easy to see. When diversification goes wrong, you can be left with a feeling of: â€Å"What were they thinking? † Sir Clive Sinclair produced and sold one of the first home entertainment systems, the ZX Spectrum. Then he decided to produce a convenient new form of transport. Still, a C5 can be worth a fortune on EBay.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Trump’s Global Warming Denial and Political Manipulation free essay sample

The gag order on press releases, blog updates, or posting any of facts and statistics anywhere, media or online, was banned. This affected the EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency so that their employees are not allowed to discuss any of the changes publicly or on social media, and their scientists are not allowed to report their findings at all. The gag order also pertained to the US Department of Agriculture, and Health and Human Services. (Garcia 1) OtheragenciesandorganizationsaffectedbythisgagorderaretheAgriculturalResearch Service, Department of Transportation, the USDA, Agricultural Research Service, DOI, and many more government science and research agencies. (Lartey 1) Trump’snominee for thehead oftheEPAScottPruitthassaid that he doesbelieve climate change exists, but thathumansarenotthe main cause of it. Here is aquotefromScott Pruitt on the subject: â€Å"Science tells us the climate is changing and human activity in some matter impacts that change.† (Kelly 1) He acknowledges that the climate is changing and that â€Å"in some matter† human activity impactsthatchange. We will write a custom essay sample on Trump’s Global Warming Denial and Political Manipulation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He has denied that human action has directly lead to themaincause of climate change and global warming. Ifyou evenjustgoogle whatcauses globalwarming? Thefirstthingthatcomesupsays: â€Å"Mostclimatescientistsagreethe main cause of the current global warming trend ishuman expansion of the greenhouse effect1 — warming that results when the atmosphere trapsheat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat fromescaping.† (Global Climate Change 1). That is the short answer that comes up when you google it, the article is from the NASA Climate Change website (1). Also,ScottPruitt(who is now head of the EPA)has also sued the EPA multiple times while he was the Oklahoma attorney general.He sued the EPA a total of 14 times. He is now the head of theEPAandhas announcedplans to aggressively roll back many Obama-era regulations and policies as early as next week (Next week being this week). (Collins 1) This gag order means that whatever they discover, monitor, or are helping with, they can not share or report any of their factual findings to the public. No press interviews, blog updates, newspaper articles, or social media posts are allowed. They are not allowed to report the statistics of global warming, water testing, how clean the air is, nothing, but mainly climate change. Trump is trying to deny the existence of global warming, and convince the people of America that it is a ‘hoax’. All of the findings of the EPA used to be accessible to the public, it was public knowledge. All the information they had was there at your fingertips if you wanted to read it, but now it is not that easy to see unless you specifically hunt it down. It was in the media, even just a little here and there, but global warming was a pretty widely known concept that was believed true by most people. He is trying to turn back the clock to a time when no one acknowledged or cared about its e xistence. (Chen 1) A lot of the information formerly available on the White House website and the State Department website about the climate change policy has been removed. This was something oftopconcern fortheformer president,buttheinformation hasbeen replaced with articles detailing Trump’s plans to roll back those policies. Almost all mention of climate change hasbeen removed, where ever it was mentioned, when you search ‘global warming’ on the White house website, it says no results, because every mention of it has been removed. (Davenport 1) Trump administrations had been planning on removing the pages about climate change from the EPA website, but have appeared to back off slightly. Here is a quote from an article written by Robin Bravender, and Hannah Hess (1), from EE News: â€Å"Trump administration officials appear to have walked back plans to scrub climate change references from U.S. EPAs website. Weve been told to stand down, an EPA employee told E News today. That new directive comes after staff were told yesterday to remove the agencys climate change page from its website, worrying climate change activists and sending data specialists scrambling to download files. The backlash that erupted after reports surfaced last night that the climate page would be eliminated may have prompted administration officials to change course. News of the plans was first reported last night by Reuters. EPAs press office did not respond to requests for comment today. Its unclear whether the agencys climate page will remain indefin itely, or only temporarily. Its not imminent, the EPA staffer said of its removal.† (Bravender 1) There are a lot of speculations and arguments about why the gag order was put in place, but almost all of them lead back to the fact that Trump would rather not acknowledge its existence at all. He has claimed that climate change and global warming are a hoax on multiple occasions. He also on multiple occasions claimed that climate change was a hoax by the Chinese. He tweeted about it severaltimes, but after the issue was brought up in the debate with Clinton, the tweets were deleted, and he denied them ever existing. I would just like to point out that the man who is currently president of the US, is in denial about scientific facts, hard evidence is being ignored and accused of being a hoax by the person in charge of a country. Trump is trying to keep the public from noticing the existence of a serious problem, because he has chosen to deny it. (Ohlheiser 1) Some people argue that a temporary halt of information flow is normal perseguir for when someone new comes into office, however, an order that no one who isaffected by it can mention any of the changes or its existence at all, is not normal. Also, if people have no new news about a current event that is widely available or popular they will have no need to care about it, like what is happening with it now. Unless you specifically are searching up the findings of the EPA research department you won’t be able to find anything current or useful pertaining to climate change and global warming. The reason that information is not available is because an executive gag order is in place, they are not allowed to share the data and information they have. Because of this, some of the organizations affected by this gag order have started up ‘rouge Twitter accounts’ as they are sometimes called. A rather popular one is the Badlands National Park account, which has started posting facts about climate change. Here is a quote from an article (1) about it on Democracy Now: â€Å"As the news of the EPA media blackout broke Tuesday, the Twitter account for the Badlands National Park in South Dakota, part of the U.S. National Park Service, went rogue, publishing a series of tweets about climate change, including one that read, Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #Climate. The tweets were later deleted.† To get information out to the public rouge accounts have popped up. Because the gagorder said no press releases, articles, or company social media updates, they have started rouge twitter accounts to post their information and data so that the public has access to it. (Noble 1) So, even if the president would rather the problem of climate change be ignored and denied, people who know that the facts are there and aren’t just going to let this go, have done things to show that facts can’t just be silenced and forgotten about. A tweet from the Golden Gate NPS stating their concerns that this year was the hottest year on record for the third year in a row, the tweet was taken down. Tweets about how less people showed up for the Trump inauguration than Obama’s 2009 inauguration with comparative pictures were also taken down. So many of these such rebellious posts on social media that the Interior Department could not find them all and tke them down before many of them gained a lot of popularity. A tweet by employees at the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site in Buffalo states this: Free speech, exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where the people are free. TR, 5/7/1918† This is commenting on how the freedom of speech is very important to have individually and in the press, and how some of the things the Trump Administration have done or deleted have infringed on and have come close to violating that right. (Bravender 1) A lot more accounts have been poppingupastheothersgettakendown, multiple unofficial accounts of organizations such as NASA,the National Park service,the FDA,NIH,EPA,and many more. (Durden 1) Other people, like celebrities or actors arealso posting inrebellionagainst Trump, sayingthingsranging from messages of hope thatthings willeventuallygo back to normal, to angry commentsand well puttogetherargumentsabout what Trump has done wrong.Even people like thepreviousvicepresident, Bernie Sandershas been vocalabouthisopinion of Trump. Also people like Stephen King, CaitlynJenner, andmanyother celebrities,actors, and justnormalpeoplehavetakentosocial media tosharetheirstrongopinions. Thisisthe technologicalage,socialmediaplatformsarewherepeople go to voicetheirthoughtsand opinionssomewherewheretheycanfeelheard, somewhere to share messages of hope and support, and a place to voice rebellion and defiance.