Tuesday, February 25, 2020

International human resource management Assignment

International human resource management - Assignment Example An organization’s management should clearly state the job description and design before embarking on recruitment. Each job should have various requirements or essentials. These inherent requirements are the responsibilities and chores that should be undertaken to get the job done. These requirements stipulate achievement of the result rather than how to achieve them (Banfield & Kay, 2008, p. 124). The changing business world has made the world operate like a small village. The world is indeed a small global village where managers and other workers are required to work in different countries. This has brought about international business managers. Arguably, escalating globalisation has brought about widening of the functions of an international business manager. Their obligations not only cover a particular region but also other foreign regions (Bauernberger, 2007, p. 67). For this reasons, international managers need to embrace and adapt quickly to different cultures. These in ternational managers have experienced short terms in different countries due to the short lived foreign projects and assignments. Recruitment and selection Recruitment process of any organization is often the first contact an individual has with the organization; bearing in mind that all participants are already or might also become customers of the organization (Arthur, 2006, p. 102). A successful recruitment is dependent upon finding the right people with the necessary skills, expertise and knowledge to deliver organizational objectives and the ability to make a positive contribution to the values and aims of the organization. The selection process should only be based on the ability of the individual to do the job, ability to make a contribution to the organization’s effectiveness and potential for development (Compton & Nankervis, 2007, p. 145). It is imperative to be fully aware of equal opportunities legislation and to understand how discrimination can occur both direct ly and indirectly in the recruitment process. Managers need to ensure that their recruitment and selection processes are valid and nondiscriminatory (Cornelius, 2001, p. 34). The primary purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to achieve one desired end: appointing the right person to the right job. This is a critical task for any manager, and one that is difficult when there is a shortage of the needed skills and experience in the labour market (Dale, 2004, p. 87). Authors and scholars have argued that appointment decisions are the most significant decisions of a manager. This is because they affect the manager’s ability to achieve targets, the quality of services or products delivered to the customer and the well-being of the whole company team (Denerley & Plumbley, 1968, p. 107). For organizations to survive, let alone flourish in the future, increasingly their perspective must be global. It has been argued that global skills and perspectives cannot be viewed a s a specialty or segment of business but should be an integral part of an enterprise. A key question concerns, what the successful business organization will look like in the near future and what competencies and qualities will be needed by managers and executives to run an international organization (Lonner & Berry, 1988, p. 143). Effective global managers see the need to manage cultural

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Analyzing an article - Heel Lancing in Newborns Essay

Analyzing an article - Heel Lancing in Newborns - Essay Example (Morrow, 2010) The results of this research could help significantly for the nursing profession as it gives an idea for the nurses on when to perform the heel lancing procedures. The total number of infants employed in the study was 42. The setting was such that the infants were selected if they satisfied two conditions. First, they should have greater than 37 weeks of gesticulation period and secondly, they should have successfully undergone the total serum bilirubin (TSB) procedure. (Morrow, 2010) The entire research was conducted in a successful and popular tertiary hospital. The dependent variables used for the measurement included the behavioral response of each child. The independent variables included the squeeze level of the nurse, the position of holding the new born and the condition of whether it swaddled or not. The independent variables were determined by the nurses who were holding on to the baby. The dependent variables were measured using Neonatal Inventory Pain Scale (NIPS) which uses a scoring instrument that scores the behavioral responses in the range between 0 and 1 and based on the total score, the pain is measured. (Morrow, 2010) The hypothesis is that the time for which the neonate’s heel is squeezed would be greatly reduced if the neonate is held in upright position combined with it being swaddled up. Such a reduction of time would greatly help in minimizing the sufferings of the neonates during heal lancing procedures. The strength of the study is that it was performed in real time situations and hence strengthens the validity of the results. Also, there is not much deviation of the results when compared with those of the theoretical approach. The weakness of the study is that it did not provide information about alternate findings on the same subject. Also, infants of mothers affected with certain diseases and troubles like diabetes were not considered for testing, which questions