Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Brain Is The Most Important Organ That Controls All...

The brain is the most astounding and most important organ that controls all the parts of the body, it interprets data from the universe and embodies the feeling of the mind. Intelligence, creativity, emotional behavior, and memory or rememberance are a small part of the different things controlled by the brain. Conserved inside the skull, the brain is filled with the following such as cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem. Each of these have a complex objective. The brainstem is used as a message connecting the cerebrum and cerebellum that intertwines with the spinal cord. The brain receives data through the five senses which are composed of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing which are often used all at once. It creates the messages†¦show more content†¦Usually when a person is diagnosed with a tumor, a biopsy is necessary, to which tissue must be removed from the tumor for understanding more by a pathologist. Pathologists anaylze the type of cells that are currently i nside brain tissue, and brain tumors are labeled based on the information given. The types of brain tumor and cells found within can influence patient prognosis and treatments The brain stem is something I find most interesting. The brainstem is the found in the lower extension of the brain, located in front of the cerebellum and intertwined to the spinal cords. It is made up of three structures. The midbrain, pons and the medulla oblongata. Its purpose is used as a stationary system, fowarding messages back and forth between numerous parts of the body and the cerebral. Multiple simple or complex functions that are vital for survival are you d within that region of the brain. The midbrain is a vital portion for ocular motion while the pons is connected with coordinating ocular and face movements, facial feelings, sound and balance. The medulla oblongata controls respiratory functions, blood pressure, heart beats and swallowing from the throat. Messages given from the cortex to the spinal cord and nerves that extend from the spinal cord are sent through the pons and as well as the brainstem. Probelms with these regions of the brain may cause brain damage. Without these functions, humans will not survive. The reticular activating system is located inShow MoreRelatedThe Human Body: A Finely-Tuned Machine Essay example1241 Words   |  5 PagesThe body works in amazing ways like a fine tuned machine. All organ systems within the body depend on one another for survival in some way or form at all times. Cherif et al., (2010) state, the body depends on the precise action of each organ to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health of a human being. Also, homeostasis, the regulatory of body temperature plays a survival role in maintaining body functions. 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